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Study 1b:

Based on my own experiences, it's possible to encounter multiple Patrons and communicate with them, but I have yet to seen a single witch who has formed a pact with multiple Patrons.

I have a lot of questions.

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Study 1a:

I'm working on studying the effects of Patrons on the growth of witches; it seems that a patron will make a pact of some kind with a witch or potential witch, which imposes certain restrictions but provides them with certain benefits. Naturally, this is pretty vague thus far.

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Study 1:

It seems that there are a subset of witches that have what I call a Patron, a particularly imposing supernatural entity that they've made contact with

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It's always a bit stressful to pack up my stuff and haul it around but it's vastly preferred to being trapped in this apartment for another month

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Going to my hometown this week for some much needed family time

the witch experience is asking around and discovering that 80% of your friends have a connection to the supernatural for no discernible reason

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I'm starting to realize that the supernatural is way, way more common than people give it credit for

There's something weird about high school; you're forced to interact with a bunch of assholes, so you kinda just... absorb them into your friend group on accident? Meanwhile in college I made friends with like 10 people and I'll probably still be friends with them 50 years from now

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The biggest thing that happened to me after high school was that I went from being conventionally attractive to getting romantic attention from people who actually care about me

Good sir, your safety concerns are valid! Howeverrr... you must be able to see that this is very important. Very, very important! Very very, much much... imperch.

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*walks up to Area 51*

Salutations, sir! May I please enter? I have some urgent information to communicate to my pal Moony

Having a VERY successful Caves of Qud run involving too many limbs, a lightsaber made out of wood, and enough Carbide Short Swords to create a human chainsaw

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!