Sefris boosted

My mouse has developed a double clicking problem :\ It's at least 5 years old at this point, but it doesn't seem like Razer still has the left handed Nagas up for sale x.x

I miss living in Pittsburgh. And having nearby friends that aren't my roommates.

Sefris boosted
Sefris boosted

If you're on the fence about getting an art commission, now's the time! I'll be at my parents house for a couple days this week and I'm bringing my art supplies with me! Message me here or email me at if you're interested!
#mastoart #watercolor #furryart

In lighter news theres a ramen place opening a mile and a half away from my apartment *w*

It should be illegal to make your employees pay to park at their workplace.

I had a sandwich on the way to work and yet I'm just as hungry at this point in the day as I am when i skip breakfast.
I need to be constantly fed a supply of snacks.

I fell off mastodon because there was a long period where I just didnt have the energy to keep up with all of my social media accounts and various chat programs but I think I can handle it now.

Bless everyone that reaches out and says hi to me occasionally because my shy, anxious, depressed, ADHD ass is incapable of extending the same courtesy to anyone else

Sefris boosted

Popped my spiro into my mouth and one landed directly on my tongue ghhhh gross

Should I make an AD mastodon for nudes and lewd posting? I know I've historically just posted those here but I don't want to clog people's timelines with stuff they dont want there.

My biggest dream is someday getting TF2 Comics #7
Those comics are so GOOD.

Sefris boosted

The AR-15 was named after Ayn Rand and the maximum age at which it's okay to think she should be taken seriously

"I've heard being on HRT changes your tastes and cravings, but I'm not sure that's happened to me," I say, clearing the remainder of a dipping cup of buffalo sauce with my finger.

Why does sonic have human teeth?
Why does he have full lips?
Why does he have toddler hands?
Why Gangster's Paradise????

Reminder to buy your games from when available

Politics, parents --- 

Yep that's how I wanted to spend my morning, arguing with my mom about how universal health care will or won't destroy us. "Trumps calling out pharmaceutical companies and working on [high drug costs]" to "why should it even be cheap, you think drug users should get free narcan to not die?" You'd think at 60 she'd be beyond accepting words with no action as truth. Thanks Fox News.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!