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"I've heard being on HRT changes your tastes and cravings, but I'm not sure that's happened to me," I say, clearing the remainder of a dipping cup of buffalo sauce with my finger.

Why does sonic have human teeth?
Why does he have full lips?
Why does he have toddler hands?
Why Gangster's Paradise????

@pettancow @Fenreliania I know it only checks for notifications to push every 15 minutes or something, that could be it.

Reminder to buy your games from when available the turrets getting tinted shades and a stuffed bear is maybe my favorite thing

Politics, parents --- 

Yep that's how I wanted to spend my morning, arguing with my mom about how universal health care will or won't destroy us. "Trumps calling out pharmaceutical companies and working on [high drug costs]" to "why should it even be cheap, you think drug users should get free narcan to not die?" You'd think at 60 she'd be beyond accepting words with no action as truth. Thanks Fox News.

Sefris boosted

relationships ( - ), mh ( - ) Let me know if there's anything I can do for you :< You're one of my best friends and I want to help if I can.

Goddamn I will never get tired of voice actors saying "trans rights" as their characters, thank you Albert Wesker

First day of work and there's a highway blocking accident <_>

Sefris boosted

furry smut 

tfw you just really need walkies but you're also feeling extremely slutty

Sefris boosted

HEY! do you wanna get some shiny new art, AND help a trans girl keep a roof over her head in the process??

🍓 🍓

if you don't need art but you're into music, i make a whole bunch of music across a few different bandcamps:

ALSO, if you don't need or want art OR music but DO want to help, i have a ko-fi:

literally anything at all is appreciated so much <3 <3 <3


@Sarayu I didn't exactly have any dominant people available before I moved down here :B


Woke up in my fiancée's bed, but actually it's our bed, and I live here now
Aaaaaaaaaa :yell:

-, nervous venting 

I'm very nervous and wish I weren't making this trip alone but with space limitations in my car that isnt really possible.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!