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Hbomb's DK64 stream is giving me life.
Extremely validating.

Sefris boosted

I havent played overwatch since like 5 months after it came out but there are no straight characters in overwatch, stay mad about it.

A gamejam inspired me to play around with Pico-8.
I was only around my computer for a small fraction of the gamejam (I went to a convention that week) but I'm still playing with it to make something.

It feels good to do something with programming again, even if it's slow going from rust and I'm only toying with it for like half an hour a day.

Furry art nudity 

Quick sketch to wake up
Current mood:

mh - 

I've spent like half of my time awake on the verge of an anxiety attack and like a quarter of that time actually dealing with anxiety attacks lately, fucks sake. I just want to be asleep so I don't have to deal with this looming dread 24/7

Sefris boosted

Been a while since my cat's fucked up my arm.
A bunch of peroxide, neosporin, bandaids, and a non-insignificant amount of blood loss later I'd really like to go to bed now.

Sefris boosted
Sefris boosted

Did a quick sketch a little bit ago to calm my nerves and never posted it, but I really like it. At least, I don't remember posting it.

Did a quick sketch a little bit ago to calm my nerves and never posted it, but I really like it. At least, I don't remember posting it.

Gotta drum up interest in sketch commissions in case the job search for the move to florida goes roughly.

Give me money for drawings

minor injury 

Don't ask how I cut myself on a vive controller, I'm not sure what I did except hit my hand really hard

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minor injury 

This morning I smacked my knee off a door frame real good stumbling to the bathroom in the dark and tonight I cut myself on a vive controller playing Beat Saber.
2019 is the year of accidentally self-injury I guess

Where's the phone setting for "I woke up in the middle of the night and want to check my messages but don't want to even look at a clock to find out how little time I have to sleep" that hides all clocks

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!