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Dream, transition, negative (transphobia) 

My mom (her sister) is supportive of me at least and has already said like "i 100% understand if you never speak to her again" so it's not a big deal i guess, just sucks

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Dream, transition, negative (transphobia) 

Just remembered that i dreamt last night that my aunt was cool with my transition and wow fuck that's not how that's gonna go when she finds out ugh


If this doesn't get me through a linear algebra test i don't know what will

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It's -20 out and i have an hour until a test so...

Iced coffee

birdsite link, allusions to racism 

@ink_slinger this is it, the internet is over

me being a productive DM and getting my d&d scenario in order two weeks in advance heck yeah

Being bi is cool because not only do you feel shame for not being straight, you get to feel shame for not being gay and also for not calling yourself pan

me, throwing Citizen Kane directly into the garbage to make room for a vhs of Scooby Doo on Zombie Island: hell yeah

for the first time in twenty-six-thousand years i am cleaning out my downloaded images folder

it's unlikely I'll be posting much from this account but who knows

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!