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really thinking about getting my old digital camera working again, my phone is fine but i have really shaky hands and the stabalization just doesn't work sometimes

playing fallen london 

@autistikai ahhh so jealous, I've been working on Stormy Eyed forever

sudden meloncholie i think it's cool you care about plants and bees, that's pretty significant i think

even more gamedev abusers 

@CoronaCoreanici @HTHR + a dozen "this happened to someone i know" quote tweets to go with it

game industry abusers 

alexis kennedy has been threatening accusers with legal action from his twitter, which is pretty much exactly what you would expect a horrible sex pest to do

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uspol, guns 

hey for real though you know what was fucking unnerving about visiting chicago? fucking "no guns allowed" signs on like every store. like, yeah no fucking shit, guns shouldn't be anywhere! stores shouldn't be the exception! yeah i know, i've been eyeing their stuff forever~~

i need new socks that actually fit me instead of these too-small "one size fits all" bullshit that in actuality only fits petite folk.

music is great for me personally because it's a huge source of catharsis, of dealing with emotions that i otherwise have trouble opening up and expressing.

the downside is that sometimes im digging sitting down and listening to an album so much that i don't want to get up and do shit lol

drugs (legalization) 

impossible to buy weed from my legal government website without feeling like a cop

scifi violence 

personally if i were a tripedal two-headed space sheep i would simply back-kick my foes hearts directly through their chests

jk rowling, allyship, fruitless 

I think there's basically no point in trying to explain to most people why JKR is problematic or a bad person, even allies aren't worth trying to explain it to. She's so [i]"Important"[/i] that she's basically untouchable unless you have crimson evidence on-hand.

Real talk tho nothing makes me doubt an ally faster than if they're hard into Harry Potter lol

contrapoints @fillertrack Oh definitely, I'm just using it as a turn of phrase. If there even was in theory some way to be such an authority, she certainly hasn't done it.

contrapoints @fillertrack you'll get a better response from Filler I'm sure but i want to add that personally:

- i find her [b]supremely[/b] annoying
- i'm uncomfortable with the way she uses drag in her videos
- she speaks like an authority on trans people when as far as i can tell, she doesn't have the credentials
- she acts as if she speaks for all trans people

idk lots of shit

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!