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got called miss karate for doing jojo poses in the checkout line great

Honestly i already pose like a theatre major and JoJo isn't gonna decrease that

I'm not gonna spend $60 on taco bell merch but at the same time becoming a cursed thot with that sauce packet bikini is pretty tempting


Being sick sucks ass i want to get out of bedddddddd

I feel like JoJo has tried to seduce me personally by not only making Caeser Zeppeli a thot but introducing him wooing a girl with pasta, god damn

Student: I'm getting an English minor cause i think culture is important.
Me: detroit become human sucked ass and im here purely out of spite.
Professor: *nods approvingly*

yes i am sitting around trying to figure out what possible usage i could get out of an emoji domain name for a year why do you ask

Love to fire my vampire juice in a perfect beam cutting the roof off a building

I honestly don't know what I'm doing with my life right now but I'm happy to be doing it with such wonderful people

Social energy, depression 

I'm not sure when i started slipping into this very low energy mode where i don't feel like i can handle other people except my lovies, but I'm really grateful to have them around.

Love to fire my vampire juice in a perfect beam cutting the roof off a building


just realized i forgot to post the anniversary of that time waypoint wrote a glowing review of a game i worked on


Dropped my girlfriend off at the airport, looking back as i walked away, forcing my legs to move, biting back the sting in my eyes.

A week felt like so long at the start and so little by the end.

I'll see her again soon, i know that. I'll make plans, I'll find a way.

We'll play video games and watch cartoons and we'll be together before i know it.

My train pulls me back into the city, and i feel the tears spring from my eyes.

I'll count the days until our next time together.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!