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Meant to get up at 7 for my exam at 9 but can't fall back asleep. 6 is probably a safer time to get up anyways, what with buses being weird yesterday

What up morning crew

*ominously stroking a bunny in their lap* Khajiit have hares if you have coin

I want to see a captcha where people have to type the text they see in images, but it's text like "Immigrants are human beings just like me", "The color of my skin does not make me better than other people", "LGBTQ+ people deserve all the rights that I have", etc.

lukewarm take re: federated platforms 

i think federation is cool and all but seriously what happened to RSS and static websites

how have i had a Hot Hot Heat album on my shelf for at least a year that I never ripped to my computer...

the three things that sound great to get into, but i am completely overwhelmed by their labyrinthean lore:

1 - wrestling
2 - comics
3 - giant bomb

Every time i try to remember the progression of Baby Got Back i end up in Space Jam and i don't know how my brain keeps making this wrong turn

80s rock musician: Love to write a 7 minute ballad and instead of ending on a great drum hit fuck around on my guitar for 40 more seconds and end on a fade-out

geeze i double my ram and now windows has dropped its idle usage to...


lmao great.

god i gotta take a walk, im getting restless from all the studying

shoutout to whoever found my youtube, im sorry it's got animations from when i was 17


God i just need to focus on anything else, fuck all this.

Insomnia, interpersonal conflict, life stuff, vent, honestly a lot 

I'll fully admit I'm a piece of shit person, I'm frustrating to live with and I'm poisonously pessimistic on a bad day. They had dozens of legitimate grievances.

But the more i think on it the more i feel like they never quite took me seriously.

And it fucking sucks that i don't think we can even be friends any more.

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Insomnia, interpersonal conflict, life stuff, vent, honestly a lot 

God thinking about how shitty it was of my room mate to repeatedly complain about how the way i live made things unbearable for their ADD and then they would shrug off every time i said their humor was triggering to both my trauma and my OCD

Never understood why my behavior was "unlivable" and yet i was supposed to "just understand they're not being malicious" with theirs

i haven't been keeping up on patch notes but the change to Cultist Simulator where you can take over abandoned locations for your headquarters and soak one Notoriety is [b]really[/b] good

pet health, cat, medication (-) 

our cat seemed to get a UTI so we have medication for her but now she's completely refusing to take pills, including her regular heart medication, so that's great.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!