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Joking physical bullying 

Me: you look like a jock
@Purranda : ok
Me: you look like you're gonna do sports and then beat me up

Bought some bikinis today and feeling lots of good feels~~~~ โค๏ธ

If i were a complex organism i would simply not let pathogens intrude into my system

Oh, wait, shit

i am always shocked when my dumbass full sentence queries produce exactly the answer i am looking for

@Shadejackrabbit Garcon, fetch me more breadsticks! If you go with haste, I may allow you a fraction of the surplus value you are rightly denied

love to have a regular one in which i proclaim my love of the dark orb, as one does

no but im thinking more on the wording and if somebody "proclaims" they support capitalism while on a date, how does that come up?

"excuse me sir, waiter? yes i'll have the spare ribs please, they sound like a delicious way to spend capital, the only true thing of value, in the best economic system ever devised"

got called miss karate for doing jojo poses in the checkout line great

Honestly i already pose like a theatre major and JoJo isn't gonna decrease that

I'm not gonna spend $60 on taco bell merch but at the same time becoming a cursed thot with that sauce packet bikini is pretty tempting


Being sick sucks ass i want to get out of bedddddddd

I feel like JoJo has tried to seduce me personally by not only making Caeser Zeppeli a thot but introducing him wooing a girl with pasta, god damn

Student: I'm getting an English minor cause i think culture is important.
Me: detroit become human sucked ass and im here purely out of spite.
Professor: *nods approvingly*

yes i am sitting around trying to figure out what possible usage i could get out of an emoji domain name for a year why do you ask

Love to fire my vampire juice in a perfect beam cutting the roof off a building

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!