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can you imagine being the brilliant designer who decided windows apps need to look like frosted glass because it's called windows

hot take: most "roguelikes" are actually Oregon traillikes


i spent two hours in a bubble bath today and all that did was reduce my stress enough that i could build it all back up by cleaning for the rest of the day

this sucks

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sucks ass to spend all sorts of time and effort lowering my stress from "crashing hard" to "manageable frazzle" and never getting to go back to "not actually stressed"

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Finally rejuvenated with a long bath and feeling 30% more alive. โœจ

Punch Up the Jam is possibly my favorite podcast right now and it's got such a great backlog god damn. Makes me choke with laughter so often


at the age of twenty-six i have discovered how easy apple crumble is to make, and it is a dangerous knowledge


Love to not sleep because my landlord has been sitting on an attic squirrel invasion for 3 months and now the bedroom smells like rodent piss

So is Octodad a spin off of Fallen London, where a rubbery man finds his way to the surface and raises a normal human family?

Selfie, eye contact 

Liking my new lipstick a lot, matches my fading hair really well


I'm feeling pretty fucking worn out. Spent most of the weekend cleaning. Now my brain is focused on a spiraling sense of dread. I tried really hard to be creative tonight but i fizzled out almost immediately.

Nothing is [i] intensely [/i] bad. I'm not, like, panicked or even particularly depressed. I'm just, deeply tired.

Waiting for my wife to finally disown me as i ask her for the 40th time today whether she has heard about "video games"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!