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Hello everyone !

📢 🔴 URGENT 🔴

An awesome software is dying, because its #developper has not time anymore to care of it.

It's an alternative of Adobe AfterEffect : Natron (

Please, can Mastodon community search for a C++ dev, which want to maintain it ? or search for a company which work with free software ? It's very important.

Boost very appreciated

Thanks in advance for your contribution !

#Dev #Mastodon #C++ #Python

things like this make me really worried about what will happen if I change my name legally, since I'm pretty bad at dealing with this stuff

(this particular situation is not that bad yet, though)

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financial stuff, I'm not in trouble yet though 

right now, my bank account is under risk of being locked because of name irregularities

because my surname can be correctly typed in some places but not others, so my surname is slightly different on different official documents
(it has an apostrophe)

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introduction time~ 

Hi there!

I'm here because this looks like a friendly and nice enough instance, with lots of cool features also. ^-^

I'm Ace (but it's fine if people end up calling me Space/SpaceAce because of my username), I use ey/em or they/them, and I'm aro and ace.

I'm still not sure of what I'll use this account for, so I'm not sure which of my interests I should list, lol.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!