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random mastodon doodle i dunno 

drawing with a mouse is hard (also i'm a terrible artist)

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random mastodon doodle i dunno 

ghost feeling good about themselves

lewddddd yeah i'd take both too

i should boot up acnl sometime soon since i can't play pocket camp. been too long since i visited my town i've never seen your face but i bet you're super adorable

trans friend: thanks for being nice to me back when i was egging out

me, a cold and reserved pragmatist: we will need all the recruits we can muster if trans is to be a significant faction in the coming skeleton wars


@lizardsquid sometimes i just can't help but be horny on main

@Shadow8t4 acnl is so good. also, thank you for making me feel better about my phone not being supported by pocket camp

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!