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consider the gentle boop
*considers it at length, in extensive detail*

drugs i'm sober and neither do i

weird star trek canon realization 

in ST4 the voyage home we see san francisco circa 1986, and aside from the Enterprise's presence there are few or no noticeable differences from our own reality. also, this film may also be the closest ST has ever come to light-hearted comedy.


then just 6 years later, in star trek lore, the devastating Eugenics Wars are supposed to commence

i guess all those enjoyably retro '80s folk we see in the film are in for a very, very bad '90s

the wars ended in 1996. i wonder if the playstation still came out 🤔

me: why isn’t there a dating site for trans folx
me to me: you’re using it right now

@alyx you expect me to just conjure a wizard joke out of thin air?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!