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welp, i'm going to worry about this for the foreseeable future

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so since i couldn't put my actual cardholder name i just wrote some nonsense expecting it wouldn't go through but it went through anyway??? i literally just wrote 'blabla' as the cardholder name and it went through??? did i fuck up???

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at least we can agree on one thing, credit card billing form: my deadname IS invalid

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i'm trying to buy a thing with my credit card but they don't support non-english characters for the cardholder name...

i wish the back button on mastodon wasn't so close to the follow/unfollow button. i always worry i'm going to accidentally unfollow someone.

i wish i was popular and not just some useless nobody

lewd, sex toys 

@Pyrite i'm not in canada or the US but thanks for the offer :p

lewd, sex toys 

(i've never used one before but i want to buy one) >.<

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lewd, sex toys 

is using a dildo for your butt super noisy?

lewd lewd lewd 

@lighttrax i've only really tried it once and it went on my shoudler and in my hair and i felt really silly


several people on my timeline are doing TMI tuesday so i guess i might as well too? ask me whatever.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!