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@nyanuri it's not my favorite but it is really really good and doesn't deserve the shit it gets.

food now i want a burrito

quite lewd/tmi you should do it again and cum right when it's midnight

@squirrel based on the art i've seen from you, i don't think you're bad at anatomy at all

@alyx also the nonstop video game references get pretty annoying after a while imo

*Sees queer girls in a happy and earnest relationship*

*Slams table*

This is why I LIVE!

This is why I FIGHT!

@AlexLW playerunknown's battlegrounds. i don't think you'd want to play with me since i don't use a mic.

they probably don't want to play with me anyway so why even bother

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forcing myself to play a game i don't think i enjoy very much just because i don't want to be left out lmao

@imani i think it's a custom emoji on the instance i'm on,

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!