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suicidal thoughts 

i'm really struggling to find any reasons to be alive. i'm at the end of my rope. my life is just going to get worse and worse.

the state of my life 

wake up at 7pm, eat dinner, lie in bed and maybe sleep some more until midnight, use the computer until morning, go to sleep, repeat as someone who just woke up at 7pm, i agree

cute people regardless of gender. boost if you agree

@squirrel this is probably a bad suggestion but icelandic has áéíóú but not those m and s letters. maybe you could switch to that?


EMERGENCY: My timescale just shrank by several weeks. I may well be homeless by the end of the month. The situation is extremely desperate. I need any help you can give. If you have any resources that could help me find a place to stay, *please* contact me. I'm about to be out in the literal cold of Michigan in winter.

trans stuff, depression 

i still haven't booked an appointment at the gender clinic even though i got a referral from a GP last month...

i've been so incredibly depressed lately that i just haven't been able to muster the energy to make the phone call. 😣


making transphobic jokes doesn't make you funny

it just makes you an asshole

don't be an asshole


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!