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Necesito conocer mΓ‘s gente como yo! DΓ³nde estΓ‘ mi pueblo?

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You're telling me that we make LIGHTNING go through STONES so we can put DAEMONS in them so they'll perform tasks for us? Computers are actually magic

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What do computers and I have in common?

Non-binary ram

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New Blog Post: The Year of the Picotron Desktop

It's been a year (March 14, 2024, I believe) since Picotron's alpha released, so I made a big blog post cataloging (most of) the stuff I've made in
#Picotron in the past year!

Think this is the most insulted I ever felt playing a videogame

They describe Celeste as a precision platformer but from what I hear it's more of a pretransion platformer.

So it finally happened. The screenshot is from my work computer – I've abandoned chrome long ago on my own devices. #ManifestV3 #FuckChrome #enshittification #uBlockOrigin

Kotaku just posted:

Just $10 Will Get You Tunic And Over 400 Other Neat Games In The New California Fire Relief Bundle

Over 300 indie creators have pooled their games to create the California Fire Relief Bundle on to get funds into the hands of survivors of the recent devastating wildfires in Southern California. You can help a great cause and play some incredible games for just $10.


reposting this because the last time I posted it was like 4 accounts ago

Pros of using Linux:
- You can't play league of legends

instead of doomscrolling, i try to spend my time doing healthier things like doomcleaning the house, going for doomwalks, doomgardening, doomcatching up with friends and family, etc

Scammers sending out private videos to creators, hoping to get them to click through and then get scammed with a cookie hijack. Don't fall for it!

i love wikipedia articles that use pictures of cats for no reason

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!