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I made a zoetrope that shows your browser's animation refresh rate (which is usually the same as the display's refresh rate)

I was talking with someone about programming and said that I use the JetBrains IDEs. He said he uses six. I'd never heard of it. He went on to talking about six and why he liked it. After a minute or two, I realized he was talking about vi.

He's been calling vi "six".

Boost if you think trans people are neat πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

Just a reminder, please do add alt text descriptions to your images, videos and audio clips. It will make them accessible to people with visual or hearing impairment.

You'll also get a lot more boosts if you add descriptions, because a lot of people only share posts that have descriptions.

If you forget, don't worry, you can edit your post afterwards to add it πŸ‘

It can take a while to get into the habit, so there's a bot to help you remember at @PleaseCaption


I'd been wondering why I'd heard so little from Naomi Wu lately, and the reason is unhappily worse than Twitter breaking API based post mirroring to Mastodon.

(TL;DR, she's been silenced by the authorities.)

Worth reading in full, as the end includes a brief interview and suggests that her earlier highlighting of the security risks of compromised keyboards to E2E encrypted messaging turned out to be potentially relevant.

From now on I will be addressed by my proper name, Ram-square root-bigger than or equal to-n

Since this subject seems to resonate with folks every time I've mentioned it, I wrote a blog post on the subject of malicious actors (typically stalkers and trolls) abusing the DMCA takedown notice and counter-notice processes to extort personal information from victims.

Been doing some world building for a project and I feel like I can go in many directions with this. Like I could take one aspect of it and build a prototype out of it. It's amazing

@Wunkolo in my opinion? Convenience of modern stuff + where everyone is at

@dysfun read somewhere that less people are learning the basics (HTML, CSS, vanilla JS) and just go straight to a library, sometimes to do things you can do now without JS

Different surface patterns on the tower. On each level, the tower will have a different pattern.

I wonder how I can eliminate the visual banding in the texture mapping.

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β€œWhen people want to listen to music they go to Spotify. When people want to study sound recordings as they were originally created, they go to libraries like the Internet Archive. Both are needed. There shouldn’t be conflict here.” - @brewsterkahle

Read our full statement about the recording industry lawsuit against our library:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!