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We are excited to introduce a major improvement in funding the development efforts of the #GodotEngine – the Godot Development Fund!

Help us secure stable funding and ensure the longevity of the project πŸ’™

We absolutely understand that not everyone can donate. In that case, please share the Godot Dev Fund link! Spreading the word is an excellent way to help.

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Concept: web browser extension that replaces the word "review" with "opinion".

Shadow King aims to stay true to the classic #metroidvania recipe with fun and tricky platforming! The game will be out on friday!

Sub to my patreon ( or buy att full price on itch!

#gamedev #pico8

I`m working on a pseudo 3D-Engine for Pico8. Great fun, now I'm just waiting for great performance :`)
#pico8 #gamedev #8bit

Malware is just software that does something the user doesn't want it to. A good example is Microsoft Windows.

@bytebro @mhoye
I would not trust Brave. Their founder has backed anti-gay laws, which is already reprehensible.

The browser itself supports crypto, replaces ads (a security risk), and at one point injected affiliate links.

For a browser focusing on privacy, the latter two are massive red flags.

Here's a full article giving the rundown:

hahahaha omg

"Starfield players are reporting a bug that prevents them from firing their weapons in the game. The easiest solution? Changing your character’s gender. If you started with a male character, changing it to female in one of the game’s genetics facilities fixes the bug, and the opposite is true as well."

It's never too late or too early for a bit of Pride! :heart_ace:​ :heart_nb:​

Arts by Vega (starhound_ on the twitters)

Just finished reading an article about making small games that really resonated with me. I like the idea that not each game has to be huge and strive to be a big viral success. Just making a piece of art that is self contained, fulfilling and doesn't overstay its welcome can be enough.
I think that's one of the reasons why I enjoy game jams so much, paired with the shared excitement and seeing other people's takes on a theme.

Give it a read:

#gamedev #smallgames

I followed a tutorial for on how to make a platformer but I didn't like making a platformer so instead I'm making a shoot em up with the same assets

Debugging: The murder mystery game where you are the investigator, the witness, the victim, and the perpetrator!

Star Beasts

Your ship has stopped in deep space to perform repairs. The crew are on a spacewalk when predators warp in from hyperspace. Protect the crew! Eliminate the predators!

Frantic shoot-em-up action inspired by 8-bit classics such as Uridium, Defender, Robotron, Asteroids and Thrust.

Play for free on the #Pico8 BBS

#retro #gamedev

I had a blast with this one! I mixed my love of retro stuff with modern meme stuff while illustrating and designing this piece. Planning to do more in this theme and aesthetic, it was so much fun!

#furryart #furry #art #dog #canine #meme #VectorArt #graphicdesign

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!