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vectors were never meant to be rasterized
years of pixels and NOTHING to show for them
this is what they do with all the vector to raster technologies we built for them
:blobcatpats: ??? :blobfoxknife: ??? ✨ ???
yes, please, I'd like the red green blue components of y = sin(x)
statements dreamed by the utterly deranged
they have quantized us for absolute fools

@dizzy I haven't gotten around to using Linux but I hope to have something running before windows 10 runs out of support

Long time no see, Godot 3!

A maintenance update was long overdue, so here's #GodotEngine 3.5.3, with a number of important bug fixes and platform compatibility improvements.

Worth checking out if you have games in production using 3.5.x!

When people tell me generative AI will solve real-world problems

Looks like Android just baked the topics API directly into the OS, and the opt-out is written even worse than how they did it in Chrome. Like paying over a grand for a phone isn't enough.

A long awaited day has finally arrived, Minecraft Wiki has moved from Fandom to

We were able to bring a lot of improvements with this move including less ads, a new skin, faster load time and more.

Please visit for details why we've made this decision.

Soon we will also share how YOU can help entire Minecraft community reach forked wiki.

Thank you to everyone who have helped making this a reality. ❀️

#MinecraftWiki #fork #wiki #Minecraft

Don’t mess with elderly! They have been around a lot longer :blobcathearts:

ADHD is thinking about all the things you have to do, getting stressed about all the things, worrying about the consequences of not doing the things, but still feeling stuck and unable to do any of the things.

The Unity's new "softened" pricing and policy changes are NOT good enough and they don't fix anything.

The dreaded "runtime fee" stays!
The nuts CEO & board stays!
They got what they wanted.
They WILL do this again.

Self-reported install counts will still be a nightmare and I am sure Unity will track this silently anyway.

Unity already twice silently altered their ToS.
Another "pinky promise"? SUUURE.

Finish your Unity games, and never look back.

#GameDev #Unity #Gaming #Godot #Tech #Games

β€œHow is Valve monopolistic???”

Well children, remember when Epic started competing with a 12% cut, and it forced Valve to lower Steam’s 30% cut?



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PSA: Google has now begun to roll-out the Ad Topics "feature" onto Android itself. It's not just in Chrome you have to disable the settings. Please #Boost to spread awareness.

If you didn't get the pop-up screen on your Android device (it'll look like the first two screenshots), to opt-out of these settings:

  1. Go to your device Settings
  2. Press on "Google"
  3. Press on "Ads"
    • While you're here, press on the "Delete Advertising ID" button and delete it
  4. Press on "Ad Privacy"
  5. Review: "Ad Topics", "App-suggested ads", and "App Measurement". Make sure they are all labelled as "OFF". (This page will look like the third screenshot.)

If you don't see "Ad Privacy" in Step 4 then it means that it hasn't been rolled out to you yet. You might need to wait and check back in a couple of days to see if/when it has been implemented to disable these settings.

#Android #Google #Privacy #AdTopics

What #operatingsystem do you use?

Please boost for maximum exposure.

#linux #windows #apple #macos #windows10 #windows11

It's nice that #Unity3D walked back to terms that don't apply unless you use their latest engine, but that's the take-away: you need to not use their latest anymore. Finish your game. Find another engine. This is just an escape clause.

Anyone who sticks with them will get screwed the next time their c-suite wants to goose their stock price.

@pup_hime they still want you to play the pvp but at least this lets you get a hang of the game until you're ready for it

ChatGPT is finally ready to take over from human developers

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!