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@jillrhudy @gwendolenau Here's Alecto, Magaera and Tisiphone just before they started giving me the "blue steel" glares...


Winamp. It really whips the llama's ass. πŸ¦™
(Winamp v2.0, Windows 9x, Sep 8 1998)

@cyphersignal @JoshJers @eniko I love this extremely specific niche of computer-graphics-related comic edits floating around.

it's extremely funny actually that there's a cell phone camera that just downloads moon.jpeg from a website or whatever when it thinks you are taking pictures of the moon

Theme gives meaning to mechanics; mechanics give weight to theme


Descriptive text:

Miss B @MissBThe3rd Giving my classroom gluesticks human names has been revolutionary. Does a student care if a glue stick goes missing? No! Do they care if DEREK the glue stick has not been returned? ABSOLUTELY. It's like a manhunt until Derek has been returned to his rightful spot.

I'm currently working on a software synthetiser, aimed at making 8bit sounds. Here is a small demo of what I have so far !

The final goal is to have a library that can play custom songs in realtime and that can be embeded in games. Sequenced music take way less space than recorded music, and makes it easy to add runtime effects, swap tracks and more.

Help save Webcomic Name "oh no!" blob?

Alex Norris has been giving us all joy and giggles with their lovely pink blob for a long time; for many years now, they've been fighting a legal battle with a shitty publisher that has pulled an outrageous rights grab.

Alex have a fundraising deadline on Monday October 9th to continue fighting for their rights. Can you help? No amount is too small.



✨ New #gameassets! Pixel Platformer Food Expansion adds 110 new tiles to the existing series, perfect for creating food-themed levels and games!

License: CC0 (public domain)

Are you making a low resolution game, but using some modern shaders to apply fancy effects that would have taken superhuman brainpower to do if we were actually writing for the old consoles?

Do your shader effects look... out of place? Like, they're happening at a higher resolution?

Do you want an easy way to "snap" your shader's pixels to your game art's pixels? This is the thread for you?

#gamedev #indiedev #glsl #shaders

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!