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Writing prompt: Gay twink goes to heaven, notices that all the angels are really boring and wants to break out and go to hell to all the hot demons

People posting their BlueSky links and I'm just like

I'm on my 10th consecutive day of work and I'm sure this is unhealthy but I have a ticking time bomb called "cost of living" and if Kitsune Tails isn't out by approximately one year from now (give or take a few months, probably take) I'm going to be completely fucked so it's not like I can afford to take a break or anything πŸ™ƒ

Anyhow have you considered buying my games on They're not discounted or anything it's just that buying them at full price would help a lot. Maybe even throw in a tip?

They're good games brent

stop making the conversation about work-at-home about productivity

eliminating non-essential worker commutes means less fossil fuels wasted

remote policies increase access for disabled people, especially with chronic illness that flares

LGBT folks and PoC experience less bigotry and it's easier to report bigotry when they do

do some people want hybrid? do some people want on-site? sure

but stop pretending the discussion was about productivity or what employees want

it's about real estate portfolios

You are not responsible for other people’s failing business models.

Adblockers are a safety measure on the modern internet. Do your part: help everyone get more adblocking.

Wow, this is a decision that couple *cripple* Google if applied globally: Brand extortion is one of Google's most valuable tools.

if you're not gay on the internet then alan turing died for nothing

TIL about an OS named Inferno, by Bell Labs back in 1995. Much of its software is named after references to Dante Alighieri's Inferno.

It has: a communication protocol named Styx, a type-safe programming language named Limbo that runs on the virtual machine Dis, Charon is a web browser and Bolgia is a picture viewer.

It's so nerdy, I love it

Regular reminder: if your site or app doesn’t work in Firefox, it’s broken.

I lived through the β€œthis site requires and/or is best in IE” era, and I’d rather burn it all down than return to that.

Pro-tip: Firefox does most things better anyway. Give it a spin and enjoy a less-tracked web.

The defense attorney fell asleep during proceedings. The prosecution attempted to raise an objection, but the defense rests.

Your choice of browser matters β€” Google's Web DRM and the open internet

I wrote this blog post to inform the people I know who aren't as tech savvy or otherwise don't put any thought into their choice of browser. Another goal is to help get enough awareness on the topic and make sure it fails.

@opensource @privacy #webintegrityapi #WEI #google #mozilla #chrome #firefox #chromium #foss #opensource #OpenWeb #privacy #drm #nodrm #drmfree #freesoftware #browser

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!