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FPS: First Person Shooter documentary is out now for all the people that didn't back its crowdfunding campaign and are willing to pay full $25 price for a digital download. (So not for me at this moment.)

Official statement from Volition on the studio closure.

I think it's quite something to put this out precisely at Starfield review embargo - almost as if they know the world's gaming press will be busy.

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Volition staff on Twitter are reporting that parent company Embracer has just closed the 30-year-old studio behind Saint's Row and Red Faction, with mass layoffs #VolitionJobs

This just blew my mind: A road in Pompeii, built prior to AD79. The small white stones were designed to reflect moonlight making the road easier to see at night

I hate all the "for the kids" legislation that's really just "hoover up all that data".

Only parents can protect their kids online. Parental controls for devices should be easy to use and really, that's it.

Stop trying to kneecap the entire web so one lazy fuck can avoid their kid seeing a female-presenting nipple or whatever. You being a lazy fuck is hurting them, not the nipple.

not a lot of people know this, but a shirt only becomes dirty when you lose consciousness. thats why u dont gotta change ur shirt after u pull an all-nighter

We fought this, and we won!!

This is the result of a lot of work from privacy and security advocates, researchers, sex worker groups, and members of the lgbtq+ community who worked really, really hard to show the fundamental flaws in age verification.

Well done friends!

if you look back on certain moments in your life and cringe, good, that means you've grown as a person

while itch creator day is over the sale on my games is still running over at until midnight pacific time thursday

our finances are going to be dangerously tight by the time we launch kitsune tails next year, so any support is very appreciated ๐Ÿ™

(image is gif of roguelike midboss showing ability animations)

every single time I see "gender ideology" I get mad at these fools in cishet society for claiming that somehow only non cishet people have an ideology around gender.

:blobcattableflip: just because your ideology is dominant doesn't mean you don't have one!!!!!!

Let me show you 3 cool things I made for my custom #pico8 map editor! :D

1) Quick brushes
Copy anything from the map or the tiles and start using it

some people who make programming easier

(who am I missing?)

I remember one time I was at a pool party shortly after graduating high school and a guy that went to one of my classes asked something like "hey what were you doing on your computer, it always looked like you were hacking or something" and it just fucking kills me that a guy was thinking "woah,,,, he's in the mainframe'" while I was spending my English class trying to write a program to animate my robot skeleton or something

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!