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Palworld, Pocketpair, AI 

If I may have an Opinionℒ️: my biggest issue with Palworld is actually with developer Pocketpair's public support of generative AI to bypass copyright. They even made a whole game out of using AI to generate images.

You are only temporarily abled.

This is not a threat. It is a statement of fact.

lewd joke 

@nanonsfw one step away from having pilk be stored in the balls

computercraft addon that runs an activitypub server

call that the fedi block

RIP the man who was the absolute incarnation of XKCD's "one random dude holding up the entire internet". You may never have heard of David Mills, but your entire goddamn world depends on what he did.

A visual pun for you. I knee-d you to see this.

(Alt-text is there if you need it!)


Weird question, but if you open your mouth as wide as it goes, can your tongue touch the roof of your mouth?

zelda: stab me in the face

ganondorf: what

zelda: just try. i dare you. it is literally impossible. he will travel back in time if he has to. it is a law of nature that you can't finish me off

ganondorf: it is not

zelda: then stab me in the face. try it. show me how sure you are that you're the exception

ganondorf: you're just messing with me

distant voice of link: hyaa

ganondorf: ohGOD don't kill me

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!