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Giving a lecture after barely 5 hrs of sleep after you've been preparing said lecture the whole night is, well, not on my list of nice things

Here's a cute pic tho

@eniko fedi feels like the Linux of social media, for better or for worse

Do people agree with their therian friends like "so true beastie"?

@Daojoan "scared of AI" as in "scared of mold". Like mold, it's not going to become sentient and eat us all. But also like mold, it has a tendency to spoil previously good things, and my preferred amount of it in my (information) diet is zero with very few, carefully selected exceptions. Those exceptions, or the bries among the internet mold that is AI, are things like automatic transcription or translation.

It's still winter but it's currently at 30Β°C what is this shit


β–‘Mβ–‘Yβ–‘ β–‘Pβ–‘Rβ–‘Oβ–‘Nβ–‘Oβ–‘Uβ–‘Nβ–‘Sβ–‘ β–‘Iβ–‘Nβ–‘ β–‘Bβ–‘Iβ–‘Oβ–‘

sorry I missed your call, 95% of the calls I get are from robots trying to steal my credit card information so this entire method of communication is now dead to me

pΓ³g means kiss in irish
so whenever u say pog, poggers, pogchamp etc ur talkin about kissing imo

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!