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a necromancer fae that's interested in "stealing" your deadname

Spent this week making a little Worms/Scorched Earth terrain demo. Tried making one of these with my first ever #pico8 project and ran into massive performance issues due to using pset.

This uses tline and a 2D array of vertical slices. Destroying the terrain earth shrinks a slice, or cuts/slices it into two. Perf is good, as terrain is destroyed, there are more slices, but less to draw! Second gif shows this in action.

Code/cart is here

Which is your favorite food from this list?

undertale yellow genocide spoilers 

@nano touhou fox (angry)

If you use a screen reader and have a Github account, consider commenting on this feature request:

"Add a way to filter posts that contain images with no alt text"

If you don't use a screen reader, please boost this post rather than commenting on the Github issue.

@dysfun games that aren't graphically intensive, maybe. At the very least I know paddle-and-ball types of games are possible

im sure im not the first person to make this joke but it came to me in a dream so i was compelled

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!