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I feel like I should learn Rust, but I'm infamously bad at learning new things. Getting started with learning Python was a pain due to installations and stuff i had to do once

@herorobb @dosnostalgic I'd argue having control over memory usage is always a good thing. I still question the point of such vast storage requirements, however

Ultima Underworld graphics detail levels:
- Very high (all textures)
- High (no ceiling textures)
- Medium (no floor or ceiling textures)
- Low (no textures at all)

@nano Microsoft heard the joke about Internet explorer being "the best web browser to download other web browsers" too often

@adra I'd say mine is cereal or granola but I'm trying not to eat it as often as I used to

@adra my problem is energy, motivation, and not feeling overwhelmed with the steps before I even begin

So whoever said that "cooking is easy!" was definitely neurotypical, right?

🦊Trying something to combat discord scammers who just log into a chat and get every role like, alright buddy go for it, see what happens

open if you code  

oh, you code? that's so neat! hey i got a cool app idea. it could be the next facebook if you were to help me make it. it uses the blockchain and ai to

It's WIP at the moment, but I'm happy to have something down for the title screen!
#gamedev #planetkeke #babaisyou

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!