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a turret which throws grenades which shoot bullets which bounce off of walls:

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This feels so wrong
(testing 8x8 tiles & layer control for #picotron 0.1.0c)

Elon Musk has come to the defense of alleged #StoneToss cartoonist Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas by proactively deleting any posts from Xitter which insinuate any connection between these two identities. It would be a shame if a Streisand effect outweighed all his efforts to conceal this information

"Shit, my car's insurance ran out yesterday. I should just park here and go sort that out"

c girls can have a little memory leak, as a treat

Assuming that you wear a mask/respirator on a regular basis, would you stop if COVID were eliminated?


biggest secret of networking seems to be "don't be disabled"

If you'd like to support me, consider buying Kenney Game Assets All-in-1! It's $19.95 (USD) and in return you get to download ALL my game assets in a single package, your purchase directly goes to creating even more free content for indies. Also includes free updates!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!