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This seems like both a personal cry for help and an indication that you work for a dangerously dysfunctional organization

mastodon servers have pretty good uptime considering the lack of cis admin

consider NOT buying kingdom come deliverance 2 

this isnt a dogwhistle its a dog siren lol

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ai has entered its roast era. large scale mockery signals the beginning of the end. good. 🙂

Ya voté
Pero la memoria me falló al ultimo momento 😔

…and there will be good coffee and tea and pastry items and queer literature for those who wants to indulge in it and yes right blåhaj! Yes there will be like five of the shorks in the cafe and i must need to design a corner that’s not visible to the streets so those who are nervous about being seen by strangers can still have a good time and-

// Based on xkcd 610, CC Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5.

This is a graph of Discord’s algorithmically inferred gender (extracted from “request your data” json; axes are probability and days) for a user whose display name is “Tiffany”, whose bio is “she/her”, whose pfp is a drawing of a girl and whose profile theme color is pink.

Algorithmically inferred gender is worse than useless. Presumably the issue is that she talks about programming, and all the deliberate “I am explicitly telling you I am a girl” signaling in the world can’t convince a computer. I sometimes watch a livecoding streamer whose youtube stats claim his audience is 99% male even though you can see fem-coded chat participants regularly. Algorithms like this are deleting the women

the claim that you cant change your sexual orientation simply isnt true. i was born a disaster bisexual but with faith and prayer i am now a distinguished bisexual

text-overflow: ellipsis; is not a good content design solution edition 9872628

This is hella important. Don’t use a PC with Copilot hardware IMHO. Don’t even borrow a friend’s PC with such hardware to check email, for that matter. If they have Recall enabled, they can scroll back and read all your emails. If you get hacked on a system running Recall, months of everything you’ve ever done on the PC could be ex-filtrated in minutes for the criminals to review at their leisure.

#Copilot #Recall #Cybersecurity

I want my country (Mexico) to be better overall and especially in areas that have been lacking for a long time, but man, none of these presidential candidates seem like a good option to me as I have issue with all three of them. And as things are now, it's practically a two-party system. What to do?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!