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The entirety of Humble Games was laid off this morning, sad news.

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people reading this be like "wow no wonder she's burned out"

anyway have a haunted heist screenshot. it's like if you combined wolf3d with decked out and pac man

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surprise! i put a fantasy console in kitsune tails! not only can you use the free and open source tiled map editor to create custom levels, but you can create your own games in lua using the same simple framework we used ourselves for all the minigames in the game. this gif is me making a sample game i call "ghostzilla" from scratch

oh right, and we've prepared an arcade and over half a dozen minigames for you in the game. one's even 3D! check out the full trailer here:

#KitsuneTails #GameDev #PixelArt #FantasyConsole #QueerGames


until kitsune tails shines a light into the darkness on steam and itch. because there's ghosts there! ... hmm this analogy became a bit strained ๐Ÿค”

wishlist via

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #PixelArt #GameDev

Mostly just a self reminder but maybe itโ€™ll help you too.

Cynicism is easy. And it's understandable. Life is hard, made harder by people in power who only serve themselves. So I get it. But every real life activist I've ever met, every longtime volunteer or long-suffering advocate, was ultimately an optimist. It's like being a gardener. You don't plant a seed unless you expect, or at least hope for, a future capable of growing a plant.

Hope takes a lot more work than cynicism. But it's also smarter, cooler, and a hell of a lot more useful.

Them: โ€œYouโ€™re not trans, why are you always defending them?โ€

Me: โ€œI am also not a domestic cat, and if I see you abusing one of those Iโ€™ll kick your ass too.โ€

How did they do it? Well, if you've ever tried hooking up a GamePad Pro or another digital controller - like the original Microsoft Sidewinder, or a big Logitech Wingman - to a USB to gameport adapter, and then looked at it under Game Controllers, you'll have seen buttons 1 and 2 blinking like mad. This isn't a broken controller sending spurious button presses - this is actually how it communicates with your PC! It works kind of (kind of) like Morse Code.

#retrogaming #retrocomputing

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Enter the GamePad Pro, with its *ten* digital buttons as well as the customary D-pad. You could argue (many have) that it's a complete rip-off of the original PlayStation controller, but there's more to copying electronics than tracing around the outside - the PS1, like other consoles, used a digital protocol to talk to its controllers. But the PC gameport was totally analogue - no smarts at all, just four little lights that flickered, and four more that dimmed. So Gravis had to get clever.

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Here's a thread on how the Gravis GamePad Pro - a game controller with ten digital buttons - was made to work on the PC gameport interface, which actually only supports a total of four buttons. You've probably never actually wondered about that, but you very probably *have* wondered about where all those zeroes and ones they talk about in computing come into things, and this thread has that, too! ๐Ÿงต

#retrogaming #retrocomputing #GravisGrIP #GravisGamePad

Princess Peach got furrified >:3 Her species was voted in one of my streams and I worked on her for quite a few streams. I'm not completely happy with how she turned out, face is a lil wonky and such, but at least I got some painting experience :D

On that note, I'm three months unemployed and not even getting interviews. If you can get my resume in front of a human, please get in touch.

I'm primarily a software developer (C, Python, Node, fullstack web, whatever it takes) with devops/SRE experience most recently at VMware. I'm in NH, USA, outside the usual commute-to-Boston range.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!