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My love language is removing tracking parameters from urls before sharing.

I hear a lot of people clamoring for Two-Factor Authentication on FurAffinity after all that's happened, but you really gotta be patient folks, it's hard enough running one FA, let alone 2FA

I'm learning batch for some reason and I'm wondering if you could make something other than a text-based game like this

they live glasses but for tech industry comment pieces 😎

kitsune tails at the start of the game: act 1

players when they find out the game has a second act:

Some autistic people find making phone calls extremely stressful and unpleasant and will avoid them at all costs.

Please don’t try and force your communication preferences on others.

image: anon
#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD @actuallyautistic

Scientists have found liquid water on Mars, located in the planet’s outer crust. β€œThis is the first time liquid water has been found on the planet.”

got the leaked source for 3d maze to compile under modern visual studio. Now to add guns

Hice el emoji del Compayito nomΓ‘s para las risas

#picotron 0.1.1 is up! //

Now with html exporting, gif capture, adaptive battery saver, and web support for twin stick gamepads, mouse lock & /appdata storage.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!