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units are from unity and complex numbers from unreal

How I Solved Technical Documentation With The Power Of AI

by schratze

Chapter 1: The Power of AI

The first step in my journey was realizing that it is impossible to write usable technical documentation with AI.

Chapter 2: The Power of Writing the Fucking Docs Yourself

Oh my God there was a *movement* to make men's clothing more boring, it's hundreds of years old and we're still in it??

Remember to change your Chromium V8 engine oil after every 8000 Web page views or 12 months, whatever comes first.

Scrabble. Hangman. Wheel of Fortune. Cryptmaster's word-based world is influenced by a variety of games.

The devs tell us about the challenges that arise when the players can type anything, and what made a mixture of humor and horror feel right for the game.

Microsoft enabled the notorious "Recall" with the last update (for Windows 11 only). It's part of the OS and can't be uninstalled. This software stores metadata about EVERYTHING that appears on your screen, including passwords/urls/images/videos/any messages you send or emails etc

To disable this gross spyware, run the following as admin on the command line:

Dism /Online /Disable-Feature

#Windows #Spyware #Recall #PrivacyAbuse

NEW: Wrote an explainer for Aranet on why it’s still important to avoid COVID, and things you can do to protect yourself.

This is an accessible piece that can be shared with family and friends who want simple info on COVID but aren't up-to-date.

@da_667 personally a fan of 'stages of grief as icbinb knockoffs'

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!