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PICO-8 calculator progress 

calculator progress: the full order of operators has been implemented. Now I need to make the calculator actually take user input πŸ˜…

It could function with the standard input alone (4 directions plus two buttons) but mouse and full keyboard would be ideal. Calculator buttons that are both mouse-clickable and keyboard-usable would speed things up, not to mention the accessibility.

Took me until now to realize that eye contact in images actually bothers me πŸ€”

I decided to make a calculator app, except I'm doing it on pico-8 so that's gonna be interesting.

I got the last 4 letters of PEMDAS down so far!

The cool thing about #programming is that if you start out looking like the bottom left, on your 35th birthday the devil shows up and asks, β€œwhich way, western man?” and forces you to pick one of the other three.

1990s web experience

- Open site in browser
- Watch framework of site gradually appear
- Start reading site text
- View images once they load
- Click a hyperlink to more information on the thing you're looking for

2020s web experience

- Open site in browser
- Wait for Cloudflare to verify you aren't a bot
- Wait for background movie to load
- Dismiss cookie popup
- Decline to subscribe to their mailing list
- Decline to speak to a chatbot that promises it's a human
- Scroll infinitely looking for the information you want that's probably not there since it's all generated text intended for other robots to read anyway

The only thing flat-earthers have to fear, is sphere itself.

New stickers are here! πŸ‘ :blobfox: and I also made pride sheep prints as a test, there's only one of each!

(inhales sharply)


(ghasps for air)


Finally feeling like doing programming once again

Maybe I'll try making a calculator

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!