Locked down my account on this instance, because all the new users spooked me. I mean, I'm kinda happy for new people, but I'm also wary that I don't talk about certain things, like possibly being ace, really elsewhere.

@Tarale this is also the first place I talked about the possibility that I'm autistic, and I guess I've been a bit less guarded and more vulnerable in general here.

some of these are things I haven't even said aloud to myself, so it's been weird for me today having people find it. I was never really being sneaky about the account, just… hadn't thought much about people I know elsewhere finding it


@Xkeeper I'm trying to figure out if I should delete past toots, or just kinda hope everyone is cool, but it's been both exciting and low-key nerve- wracking today

@Tarale it's a tough decision and mostly depends on well. how would you feel if it was just straight up public

one downside to here is there's no mechanism to force all of your previous posts to hidden like with twitter

@Xkeeper yeah, I'm not sure, and a lot of it's because… I'm not sure? It's a whole thing I've only really ruminated on internally, and I think I am, but I haven't exactly unpacked what that means in general so… yeah. I just kinda acknowledge it every now and then and ignore it again

@Tarale aye.

one reason i've made so many goofy alts.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!