Autism (maybe)
One of the (many) things I can relate to in all the stuff I'm reading about autism is executive dysfunction.
As a child, I was constantly criticised for forgetting things, for being "lazy", for having trouble starting tasks. I didn't do my homework in high school because I didn't know how to start it most of the time.
The only reason I seem to get anything done NOW is because I've built up a whole system of little routines and habits. But if it's not routine it doesn't get done…
Autism (maybe)
I've had intense arguments with all kinds of people in my life where they demand to know why I'm not getting more done.
And I explain that I'm doing my best, but that's not good enough for some people. They have to keep chipping away, trying to find ways I could be doing more. They don't call me lazy now, cause that's rude, but they sure as fuck *imply* it.
And when I write stuff down, to try to remember it, gosh is it ever frowned on.
Autism (maybe)
I actually get a lot done, really, but it's not the things other people want me to get done, I guess.
And I get most of it done because I have six hundred different computer systems reminding me to do it. I am particularly fucked if Remember The Milk ever stops being a thing.
Autism (maybe)
My reaction to learning about all of this is basically yelling OH MY GOD SAME
Like, I've known for years that my excessive listmaking was weird, but without it… well, we're back to people being even angrier at me for forgetting stuff.
I'm just so busy getting through each day that I don't remember things. And once I get those reminders I have to plan things and then set even more reminders.
Autism (maybe)
@Tarale That sounds very much like ADD/ADHD. Might be worth looking at some diagnostic checklists if you haven't already.
Autism (maybe)
@ghost_bird I've had a bit of a look into that, and I've wondered about it, too.
I've been questioning about autism and ADD/ADHD for a few years now. If I ever do wind up seeing a neuropsychologist, I'll ask about both.
I'm less sure about ADD/ADHD but I admit I've also done less research.
Autism (maybe)
Also this is a disorganised rant and I'm not sure if I had a point here or what my point was but yeah something something EXECUTIVE DYSFUNCTION