Colour corrections, cause I was drawing with the iOS equivalent to f.lux on and it made my colours weird.

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I am undecided about this and I might look at it again in the morning. The idea was to make a new avatar, but I am not sure I like it better than the old one at this point.

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ready! There's no added salt or sugar at this point, so it's suitable for baby led weaning

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@Tarale don't forget more cinnamon on top of the other side. Medium low temperature…

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half butter and half oil, so you get buttery browning but no burning

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Drew some ridiculously complicated shit. I still like Homestuck.

Oh yeah, I drew a She-Ra. It's part of a symmetry thingy because no reason really.

Actually I wasn't done. But the edits I made tonight are EXTREMELY minor. I never finished up the lips or the eye properly yesterday. So, pinker lips with a more defined cupid's bow, and bluer eyes. Also more ear fur strands.

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Last update before bed. Tidied up some lines, re-centered it, started work on the border. Time for rest.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!