I'm pretty pleased with it overall so far, especially as I've limited my palette so much and yet I still kind of... things sort of... look the colours they're meant to? A bit?
OK, I guess this is the last major WIP update as all I have left to do is the grapes. But I won't get them finished today. Then it'll just be fine-tuning and fiddling and stuff. https://computerfairi.es/media/hXB_1p8ZVA0YVcDiBvg
WIP making a different tiled pattern thing. Pencil has gone flat.
If you like it, and you need a notebook or a phone case or a shirt or something, consider buying something from Redbubble with it on.
I don't get a lot from each sale, but I'm not working while I'm a stay at home mum, so every little bit helps. https://www.redbubble.com/people/tarale/works/30993123-coffee?asc=u&p=ipad-case
Made a tiling coffee pattern. Grinder, moka pot, cups, little beans. Tiles forever and ever! https://computerfairi.es/media/LyDEeihMdUMXOZBLgGg
A lot of people just get angry that you haven't gone NC (No Contact) yet and that you're trying to make things work.
Husband doesn't think his mum is a narc or at least not as bad as I do so I'm kind of stuck.
And if we go NC right now we strengthen their case for grandparents rights if it ever gets that far.