mh, panic mode 

I'm really really deep into panic mode right now because I caused people to feel really uncomfortable...
I'm just going to stay off of this instance for the rest of the night because otherwise I'm likely to make things and my own feelings worse and end up going sui thoughts...

mh, panic mode 

If anyone is willing to provide statements of support, I'll read them once I wake up in the afternoon (so about 22:00 UTC) if I'm out of panic mode.

mh, panic mode, profanity, DEPRESSION 

I woke up early... And what I woke up to...

I knew, I just fucking KNEW everything was going to fall apart on me. Everything always does. Sometimes it's my fault, sometimes not.
But ALWAYS any time I start to feel like things are going well, they all go to shit. Why do I even bother trying to make things better for me?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!