I don't know why, but I don't really like nature. I don't try to destroy it. I know it's a lot more important than I am and I have no problem with that.
I'm in human form right now, so I'm kinda "eh." But I'm sure if I was Terx right now I'd love it.
The other bully... I hated her more at first. But a year later, at a mutual friend's birthday party, she apologized to me for bullying me. I forgave her soon after.
But I have the satisfaction of knowing that her bullying ways blacklisted her from the film industry. (Her last job was in 2015, and she didn't have much otherwise.) Either on the job, alienating all her coworkers, or due to bullying me: that friend that considered me her favorite person claimed she had Hollywood connections, and used them after I got kicked out to blacklist her.
The staff completely sided against me. I made the accusation of bullying. Their reason I wasn't being bullied, and I quote: "...you could have gone somewhere else." I still tell people how completely horrible that school is.
One day... being bullied, I lost control of myself and attacked that second bully. Got suspended for the quarter. Never went back.
I was planning on dropping out anyway, because I went for programming but the school wanted to teach was art. (They said I'd get a good programming education. Complete lie.)
I still don't know why she did this to me. She never gave a reason. Ever. Even after I told that female friend that the girl was a good connection to school staff. (In front of her, by the way. My friend needed to talk to someone specific.)
Then another friend... she started doing it to me too... no good reason, she's just a sadist. (No, really, she'd admitted that multiple times before and even said it was why she started bullying me.)
I managed to keep other friends... but any chance of real social growth was dead. One friend didn't know the girl and considered me her favorite person (besides Jesus). One was burned by her, though the effects were mitigated by his own popularity. (I've since lost him to another bully, his girlfriend.)
I don't NEED to, but I always feel like talking about it. (Even with both you and Batty, I still have a strong need for validation... probably because I keep getting the opposite from those physically around me.)
The girl suddenly started being super-mean to me... to the point I had to just start avoiding her.
She used that against me: she'd just start talking to people I was already... forcing me to leave.
I lost so many friends...
If you think you'll be ok hearing more, I can talk about it. I don't really need to myself. I've gone through it many times over in my mind, and I've gotten partial, indirect closure. It still affects me, due to mental health...
A little over two years... during the second year, I started being bullied relentlessly by what used to be a friend... a girl that I had a huge crush on.
@nyanuri Sorry, previous toot deleted because it needs a CW.
dating sites, (-)
Boo... stupid jerks.
If we lived in the same area (and still tried to use Tinder) I'd stick around.
He was the single best teacher at that school, probably. Then he got canned for not having a Masters degree.
He's best known as the guy that coined the term 4X in a preview for Master of Orion, which he subsequently assisted in late development for. He also was the early design lead for MoO3, I think, before something happened and he got kicked.
For me personally, he was a teacher at The Art Institute of California — Orange County (used to have great teachers; all other staff SUCKED ASS and prevented the teachers from doing their jobs right).
Unfortunately, I think there aren't any games from VPG playable on a computer. They tried to do their deck-building Chess game, For The Crown, but it never got released.
Related question: have you heard of a game journalist/designer/developer named Alan Emrich?
I don't own a copy of Darkest Night myself, and certainly not 2E which is new from last year. I played it only twice, but I LOVE it. (Both plays were at VPG's former headquarters in Costa Mesa, CA.)
I'd like to. I've wanted to since about 1990. That and game programming. I do have something kinda released on https://formedras.itch.io ... it requires an Xbox controller per player, and it needs a lot of work.
(Oh, by the way, here's a link for my favorite game from VPG: https://www.victorypointgames.com/darkest-night-second-edition.html )
If I did sell one, I'd know which one I'd want to sell it to... assuming they'd be willing to do it as a LCG like Netrunner. (The company, Victory Point Games, doesn't do TCGs.) The other would have to go to a video game company; the mechanics pretty much demand computerized rules enforcement.
On rare occasion, a cat that looks like my emblem (avatar image) when curled up in a a ball.
Sometimes a Nobody.
Usually a bisexual human male, half-Filipino, half-white, with manic depression and a severe need for affection and validation. (Some of which I get here, yay!)
Lives in California (UTC-8 in winter, UTC-7 in summer)
I think I'm poly? Yeah, I'm poly.
Maybe gender fluid? Still figuring things out.