Relationships (... kinda)
No, that's not just you. The idea of being friend zoned is bizarre and toxic if you value people for being people and not by what you can get outta them

they're closing in like 15 minutes but if you're in orlando for free play florida or any other godforsaken reason then i implore you to visit florida's finest DBZ-themed eatery

I had to come up with something yellow and mythical during a game of Knit Wit and the thing I thought of was β€œExcalibanana”.

Hehe, I love that I was there when you got both of those (I think, I guess the Powell's one might have been a different trip). And I love my hipster nerd, too

I don't think we're going out after all but I look cute as heck anyway lol

deltarune thoughts p 2 

There are ways undertale feels geared toward the way a kid sees the world (primary conflict being familial + focused on extrapolations about adults in your life, you learn to be nice) and deltarune feels geared towards growing up from that and the ways one thinks as a teen (primary conflict involves who you are + the influences of friends as new primary others, you learn that while you should try and be nice there are situations where you have to fight back). Just thoughts!

deltarune conjecture, spoilers 

Haze said I should post this, it's sort of just a maybe theory. In undertale you're a kid, in deltarune you're a teenager. People also keep saying you'll go to college soon. Maybe in the next chapter you're in college.

Furthermore, maybe part of the difference between undertale and deltarune has to do with like, the ways a kid versus a teen would fantasize to explain away the same trauma experiences. (c)

Tfw people notice you making really dopey lovey faces at their dogs

We had some curious raccoons play scuffling in our yard last night (maybe lured by punkins)

You'll thank me when you're eighty and don't have to vore me with dentures

inappropriate/sexish-y, good advice for healthy gums 

Self care dom says go floss, slut

selfies, with dorky polycule group costume 

Oh hey I forgot to post our costume pictures!!! I'm a lamp and @pawcelot and are my lovely moths~

@pawcelot @hwesta
(Mine is supposed to be the great raven from Hilda lol)

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If you:
* Live in Seattle
* Have tech skills
* Want to make a decent living using those tech skills FOR GOOD rather than for evil

Then apply to this job at UW! Silby is a sweetheart and the research done in this lab relates to HIV and other good important research



Just realized I had a phone now that takes better selfies and hadn't done that yet. This is very in tune with my recent men's shirts + granny sweaters + enamel pins aesthetic.

I had a dream someone wanted me to hurt a puppy as some kind of test. So, I punched them. And then I had a puppy.

GUYS look at this amazing art I got of me and as noise (from TWEWY)!!!!!


Art is by givealexahand on birdsite

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!