Happy Out of Touch Thursday https://youtu.be/zZdVwTjUtjg?si=6yg-oL78FfC9Gw0r
@mcc as someone who grew up in Australia, I keep forgetting the rest of the world only knows Midnight Oil for that one song lol. If you haven't already, check out the rest of their work. They're still pretty radical after all this time
Watching #deepspace9 and hearing them pronounce 'xhosa' as 'zoza' is causing psychic damage
An in-depth review of #falloutequestria. Dang, this was a nostalgia kick https://youtube.com/watch?v=k6PrMRguJXc&feature=share
@neku you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
@elilla @trans_caracal mood
Me: Do you think the *Mass Effect* universe has Citadel truthers? Like a bunch of very loud online groups who insist the Sovereign attack was planned by the Council, or all the dead people on the Presidium were paid actors because the Council is actually run by child-blood-drinking Geth worshippers or some shit?
My brother:
@Sargoth new Godzilla looks great
Bold of you to assume I know what I'm doing