Photos taken moments before disaster (he nudged the tonearm with his nose)

This song came direct for my throat, like damn man I was just trying to do the dishes

When I can’t figure out whether the reaction I’m having is due to burnout or being a sensitive bitch

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Figuring out how to tell someone your feelings were hurt and you felt ignored and disregarded when you realize it was a miscommunication and probably not that serious but if you don’t say something it’s going to keep bothering you but it’s probably not worth making a big deal over

36 years old and still on my class notes.

Today I’m finishing my last class in the core curriculum for Zen Shiatsu.

(Which means only four electives, an externship, and about a dozen practice sessions to go…)

We learned about end-of-life protocols this morning. Heavy stuff that requires a light touch. Really important and profound.

Dressed as a dark elf sorcerex for a Twelfth Night party last weekend and felt very good about it!

I’ve been remembering my dreams regularly for the first time in a while. Most of them aren’t anything too exciting, but I know writing them down helps them stick and makes it more likely I’ll keep remembering. I’ve accepted that most are going to read as pretty mundane.

This though makes me sound like a disgruntled boomer writing a yelp review, which is a whole other level of mundane

Selfie time!

The honey earrings are some of my favorite pieces of jewelry. They usually come out when I want to feel particularly luxurious.

Man, I stay off of Twitter for one week and the paparazzi start getting brave

Replace “the gods” with “the wealthy” here and absolutely nothing changes

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Hermes: neither an illegitimate mortal nor a simple contrarian but a secret third thing
(From “Trickster Makes This World,” Lewis Hyde auth.)

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!