I'm dreading having to turn on the furnace. Every time I do, my energy bills skyrocket to, let's just say, 3x to 5x their minimum values. Homes in the SF bay area are world famous for their lack of insulation.

Someone on Twitter responded with, "Just wear your fursuit full time." That would definitely work for me, but not my wife nor our cats.

Thinking about it further, esp. in terms of the bills, the fursuit *would* pay for itself in only about 5 months.

Let that sink in for a bit.


@vertigo If you owned, I would suggest a ductless mini-split and additional insulation.

@aatheus The furnace works fine. It's just the house has the insulating properties of a sheet of Kleenex.

@vertigo True. But mini-splits provide for finer control of climate at the room level. The insulation would be a better route.

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