Yu-Gi-Oh master duel has taken my soul again

andie boosted

pro tip:

You can and should go to the federated timeline and remind people to add alt-text. Nobody can stop you

Advent of code 

Gonna try out rust this year. See how far I can make it

I too enjoy visiting my local "Walmart" for a copy of software

re: bonus selfie 

@rooster thats such a cute sweater!

Electronics project (RPI zero/eink) 

I might turn my old RPI zero w into a lil weather display with the small eink display I have

Any other suggestions are welcome!

2000s era web dev 

andieadorable.neocities.org/ started here with a template, still working on it, just wanted to get some framework up

A small

Names Andie, she/her, avid destiny 2 player, writer, sysadmin, and cook!

I'll be posting updates on projects I'm working on, fun memes, and overall random thoughts.

I've been on different servers throughout the years, and the recent migration brought me back.

Server move 

Making this my home, running a server was a wonderful peak behind the curtain. But I'd rather be somewhere I can be more active and know others are out there 🙂

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!