TIL: There is a cursed color in the Kodak ProPhoto RGB color space which, when converted to sRGB using pre-August-2020-Security-Update Android's image conversion routines, causes an integer overflow and a crash due to a rounding error. Some dude accidentally created an image (https://www.flickr.com/photos/gaurav_agrawal/48746079687/) which contains the cursed color on a single pixel. In 2020 if you set this image as your desktop on a Google or Samsung device, the device would brick & lose all onboard data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXKvwPjCGnY
This is making me think about making an "irl-basilisks" Github repo containing the Excessively Loud Sunset, Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation" and a copy of the EICAR test file. Probably a bad idea because sometime in 2026 I'd wind up including "entirely innocuous image that incorrectly trips neural network CSAM scanners" and then I'd get banned from Github https://mastodon.social/@miah@hachyderm.io/109513848856267780
@mcc I love this idea and I submit the string "+d,+6t,+vu8-", an erroneous UTF-7 string that Python used to happily convert to erroneous Unicode and even erroneous UTF-8.
Python 2 gist from 2014: https://gist.github.com/rspeer/7559750