there was a time on fedi where you could post this and get replies from both Kiss appreciators and pinball heads

I felt so vindicated when, years later, I walked into the Seattle pinball museum and they did, in fact, have a Kiss pinball table and the little description on top said, basically, "yeah, this Kiss pinball sucks, only play it if you want to experience shitty Kiss pinball"

there is, of course, more than one Kiss pinball table, and some are better than others

@BestGirlGrace I don't even know whether you mean the 1979 machine or the 2015 one, but you're absolutely right either way

@BestGirlGrace when I was getting interested in 70s pinball I was at a place that had the playfield on display and I was sad I couldn't play it

then later, I learned that looking at the playfield is much more interesting than actually playing the game of Can You Hit The Center Lane 8 Times

@arborelia yeahhh

if you're ever in my beautiful emerald city (maybe you are, i don't know where you live), the pinball museum had it out last time i checked

including the little warning saying "hey, this game sucks"

@BestGirlGrace I'll put it on the wishlist of places to visit! I'm in the Raleigh area where there is a good amount of pinball but almost no preservation of old machines. almost every playable machine is from the last 6 years

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