Your Princess Grace Review of the new Billy Joel song: pretty good! If you like Billy Joel, you'll like this!
Honestly, points for being a 70s pop musician who releases a song in 2024 and it's a normal song and not screaming about masks and vaccines
It's not breaking any new ground, but, like, it doesn't need to. It's a Billy Joel song. I like his music. It's good!
admittedly, it'd be silly to expect a 74 year old man to come out with something wildly different
on the other, it'd be really funny if he came out with his first new song since 2007 and it's, like, 100 Gecs
@BestGirlGrace it's in a different direction, but I feel like the fact that his last album _before_ this was a classical piano album is basically this
@arborelia Yeah, that's a good point. He did take a break from pop music to be a classical piano guy for a bit
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@arborelia Yeah, that's a good point. He did take a break from pop music to be a classical piano guy for a bit