this just in: the C major scale is finally getting updated!! changes in v2.0:

  • removed 6th degree. affected users recommended to modulate to another key
  • changed 7th degree to conform to EU definition of B (old version available as H)
  • sharpened 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees

@hikari oh I think I know some people who have been using these updates. was there a release candidate that went out maybe a century ago?

@arborelia Lots of smug wholetone-halftone geeks have been doing essentially this for ages, but they're mostly ignored by people outside their weird cult because they get so obnoxious with their bureaucratic approach to borrowed refer…err, I mean chords. Borrowed chords.

@nexvie I was recognizing that the scale being described is the blues scale

@arborelia Ah. Now I see it; thanks! I was looking for something that contains all the same notes, but with how the scale degrees are numbered, blues scale makes a lot more sense. (I'm not used to thinking of the minor third as the second degree … anyway I was just focused on my shitty 'better C' 'joke' ;)

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