@arborelia so if you've mutated your git repo but they refuse to change their copy to match, does that mean they are now unable to further archive your repo because their copy completely diverges from yours?

@TerrorBite exactly that. What they have is 100 trivial forks of the old copy from other people’s github accounts

@arborelia @TerrorBite TerrorBite: It is not a "mutation", but a correction...think "git amend" for example. As an owner of the copyrighted work, the author (arborella) is perfectly within his/her right to do that, and with the right to tell others to update their copies (I am aware that this can get a bit tricky...IANAL).

Good example: The first Star Wars movie was released, and it didn't have scene where Han Solo walked with Jabba the Hutt nor the scene where the Death Star got destroyed with the distinctive ring flying away. Those were added later, and George Lucas demanded and got the original version destroyed. He can do that since he owns the movie (copyright).It is VERY difficult to find the original version now. I do remember watching the original version.

Since it appears that arborella doesn't live in France, it may require a lawyer specializing in an international copyright law to deal with it. And maybe a "touch" of a LGBT lawyer as well. I feel it is a more straightforward case, but I dunno. I wish arborella best of luck!

@thebluewizard Oh oh course, I'm not disputing that it's within @arborelia's rights to do that. I fully support her right to do whatever she likes with her own code, and I also wish her luck in fighting for her rights.

As for the term “mutation”, I took that from her own blog post where she described the git-filter-repo operation.

I also think a lawyer might be needed at this point, but since this is only part 1 of 3, I'll wait to hear the rest of the story rather than speculating or offering advice.


@thebluewizard @arborelia Straightforward case? Nah, this is a queerford case

re: shitpost 

@TerrorBite @arborelia I don't know anything about "queerford case".

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