Just opened my ThinkPad and for the second time in three days the act of closing the laptop to sleep it, then opening it again had caused Ubuntu to hardlock. This time I got a very brief small printout about "amd ring 0 error", then it went back to a black screen and I had to hold down the power button again.
I thought getting a ThinkPad, getting AMD cpu/gpu and picking the Linux distro Lenovo lists as supported would mean I got a minimally functioning computer but I guess not.
I *do* complain about computers a lot but I feel like ultimately I don't ask a lot out of a computer. I just want, like… all the computer parts to work. The wifi seems to work but also sometimes it seems slower than it should be. The builtin microphone is like, I'd say a 60% chance on any given bootup it will turn out to be working. The computer itself, like. Does not know how to power down and power back up. This has been a problem from day one. It got better then it got worse
@mcc I just got a Framework. Ubuntu 24.04 works well on it so far, and I haven’t had any of the problems I was afraid of with linux laptops